
The Perfect Storm: Preparing today for the future state of cloud security

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Date and Time 11th July 2023 , 2:00pm to 3:00pm BST
Location Online
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Hybrid IT environments are no longer the exception for the modern enterprise; they are now the rule.

Embracing hybrid clouds allow your organisation to innovate more rapidly and achieve better business outcomes through technology. But you have to achieve these outcomes while minimising risk – that’s the goal.

Faced with this new reality, join Nachiket Joshi from CrowdStrike in July for a webinar exploring how IT leaders like yourself can manage and secure a continuously changing attack surface.


As a passionate cloud security expert with a wealth of experience, Nachiket is devoted to empowering businesses by implementing cutting-edge security solutions that keep their cloud assets safe. Nachiket’s expertise spans a range of cloud technologies, allowing him to develop tailored strategies that align with each organisation’s unique needs.

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