
Trusted Third-Party Risk Management

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Date and Time 23rd November 2021 , 1:00pm to 1:45pm GMT
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Trusted Third-Party Risk Management: A strategic Model to Transform the way you Manage, Report, and Communicate on Third-Party Risk.

Businesses don’t go at it alone. From vendors to cloud providers to SaaS platforms to remote workers, we have seen the rise of the extended enterprise. Companies rely on a network of third-party vendors to provide them with operational infrastructure, cost management, and customer acquisition tools needed to grow business today.

In Gartner’s 2020 Board of Directors survey, 69% of respondents stated they view digital as the top business challenge for 2020 and 2021. Not only that, but 49% of directors cite the need to reduce legal, compliance and reputation risk related to digital investments. As executive leadership and boards become increasingly concerned about their organization’s ability to manage cyber risk, adequate reporting is a must.

Join us on the 23rd November at 13:00 GMT to discuss what boards are talking about in regards to cybersecurity, the critical KPIs that boards should be constantly measuring, what is the CISO’s role is in the process, and what innovation we can expect from the broader cybersecurity ecosystem.

You will learn:

  • What makes an effective cybersecurity report;
  • How to incorporate third-party risk into board reporting;
  • Key metrics that the board cares about for defining, understanding, and quantifying cybersecurity threats;
  • How to set realistic expectations for deliverables.
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