
Cybersecurity Predictions for 2019

Published 18 - April - 2019
Read the full article on Cybersecurity Insiders

The cybersecurity trends that have characterized 2018 are likely to continue in 2019, including the increasing sophistication of adversaries and threats, organizations moving from passive defense to taking more proactive security postures, the widening cybersecurity skills gap, and the evolution of cybersecurity technologies to adapt to the new challenges. Beyond the big picture, here are the 2019 predictions from cybersecurity experts in the industry:

In 2019, defenders will increasingly think and operate like an attacker by understanding the attack paths and methods that will be used to exploit them. Companies will need to recognize that they cannot be passive, and that defense should not begin after an attack has begun. Strategic thinking will shift to that of an “active defense”, which will include gaining better understand of one’s adversary and creating pre-emptive measures that empower security teams to outmaneuver and derail their attackers.

Cybersecurity Predictions for 2019
Read the full article on Cybersecurity Insiders
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