
Five Ways Enterprises Can Boost Incident Preparedness

Steve Durbin
Published 30 - October - 2023
Read the full article on Security Info Watch
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Security is not a primary area of expertise for most organizations so preparedness may fall outside its purview.

Despite billions of dollars being poured into cybersecurity technologies and services each year, enterprises still lack confidence in their ability to stop cyberattacks and breaches. Boosting security defenses is certainly the need of the hour. If persistent threat actors are committed to attacking your organization, they will do so in short order. Not only should enterprises advance their security posture, but they must also prioritize their incident preparedness capabilities to ensure swift and efficient response and recovery from incidents.

Let’s explore some key steps and best practices that can help organizations assess and boost their incident preparedness.

Secure Leadership Buy-in

time: the first step is making leadership teams aware that a cyberattack can happen at any time; it is not a one-dimensional risk (i.e., data loss or IT disruption). Other risks that can impact the business include financial, legal, compliance, and reputational. Leaders must understand and accept these risks and help mobilize resources toward incident preparedness. When the message and directions come from upper management, employees tend to display urgency and a higher level of enthusiasm and commitment.

Five Ways Enterprises Can Boost Incident Preparedness
Read the full article on Security Info Watch
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