
ISF Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

Published 10 - March - 2020

10th March 2020

ISF Coronavirus Update

With the growing concerns regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and the potential impact on business operations across the globe I would like to update you on how we at the ISF are responding.

What have we done?

Business Operations and Continuity Planning

  • Our business continuity planning processes, including arrangements for our events, are subject to continual review. They are regularly assessed to take into account the latest government and health authority guidance
  • We have scoped various scenarios to ensure that we are able to implement increased safety measures in view of government advice around keeping our members, clients and the ISF team safe – this includes electronic delivery of events and home working
  • We have tested and will continue to refine our business recovery scenarios to ensure that our business as usual platforms and our third-party suppliers continue to provide the level of service expected by members and clients.

We’re open for business as usual

So far this year we have delivered 2 research projects, Threat Horizon 2022: Digital and physical worlds collide and the Legal and Regulatory Implications for Information Security report. Over the coming weeks, we will continue to launch our new products, events and services as planned, including the launch of the 2020 Information Security Standard of Good Practice, to be shortly followed by our new Benchmark.

We have also started research on Supply Chain Continuous Assurance, Addressing Extinction Level Events in Information Security and Using Open Source Software Effectively.

Our events

With major events around the world being cancelled, we know that many of you are asking questions about which meetings to attend. I am currently confident that all major ISF events will go ahead as planned. It is inevitable, however, given the volume of events that we run and their geographic coverage that at some point some of our events may be affected. Should we be unable to run any of our events we have alternatives in place that include moving them online. It is our intention that we will continue to deliver our planned programme either in person or using electronic means.

As you would expect, our main priority is to continue to protect the health and wellbeing of our members, clients and the ISF team during these challenging times. I am confident that we will continue to be able do so whilst delivering the highquality products and services that we have committed.

Kind regards

Steve Durbin Managing Director, ISF Ltd

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