
ISF: Your first line of defence

Steve Durbin
Published 11 - July - 2024
Read the full article on The European
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An interview with Steve Durbin, Chief Executive of the Information Security Forum (ISF)

In response to evolving cyber threats, the Information Security Forum (ISF) offers award-winning consultancy services, training, certifications, and professional support activities. Under the leadership of Chief Executive, Steve Durbin, ISF ensures that all member organisations have access to the right tools to detect, respond, and resolve ongoing and emerging threats.

Durbin has years of expertise in corporate strategy, information technology, and cybersecurity, combined with a keen focus on the emerging threat landscape. The European caught up with him to understand more about implementing an effective cyber strategy.

Do you believe that organisations are more aware of the value of a good cybersecurity strategy? Has awareness increased?

Steve Durbin: Yes, indeed. Over the past few years, there has been a noticeable increase in awareness regarding the importance of robust cybersecurity strategies within organisations. This heightened awareness can be attributed, in part, to the global shift towards remote work catalysed by events such as the covid pandemic. The sudden transition to remote work underscored the critical need for implementing comprehensive security processes and controls to safeguard sensitive data. This awareness extends not only to large enterprises but also to mid-sized and smaller businesses. However, while awareness has grown, there remains a challenge in effectively demonstrating the tangible value of cybersecurity investments to business leaders.


ISF: Your first line of defence
Read the full article on The European