
Promoting A Culture Of Adaptability: 16 Effective Tips For Businesses

Published 12 - June - 2020
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Business leaders are aware of how important it is to be adaptable to survive market fluctuations and overcome operational challenges successfully. As with most core elements of a company’s strategy, adaptability starts with the organization’s culture. A culture of adaptability allows for more leeway for employees to make decisions on their own. By being able to pivot, they find solutions to problems without needing the advice of a superior.

This kind of flexibility can offer organizations a better chance of staying alive than those that are slow to pivot when change is needed. Attaining this mentality relies on having leaders that promote flexibility as part of the business’s culture. To help, 16 contributors to Forbes Business Council chime in on how leaders can seek to introduce and reinforce adaptability as a core mechanic within the company’s culture.

Be Transparent And Authentic

Steve Durbin, Managing Director of the ISF, and Forbes Business Council member, shares his thoughts on how leaders can foster a workplace culture that adapts to changes effectively.

Business leaders need to be transparent and authentic. Adaptability will determine the success of organizations in the new economy, and leaders need to explain why change is necessary, how it will be enabled and the knock-on effect it may have on the people in their organizations. To do that successfully will require trust, and that can only be achieved through openness and honest communication.

About Steve Durbin

Steve Durbin is the Managing Director of the Information Security Forum (ISF). His main areas of focus include strategy, information technology, cyber security and the emerging security threat landscape across both the corporate and personal environments. He is a frequent speaker and commentator on technology and security issues.

Steve has served as a Digital 50 advisory committee member in the United States, a body established to improve the talent pool for Fortune 500 boards around cyber security and information governance and he has been ranked as one of the top 10 individuals shaping the way that organizations and leaders approach information security careers. He has also recently been featured on the top 20 most influential list of leaders whose companies have a vision that shapes the conceptual landscape of their respective industries.

Steve is a Chartered Marketer, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and a visiting lecturer at Henley Business School where he speaks on the role of the Board in Cybersecurity.

Promoting A Culture Of Adaptability: 16 Effective Tips For Businesses
Read the full article on Forbes
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