
The Cyber Security Threat Landscape Keeps Evolving

Published 21 - August - 2019
Read the full article on Defense Online

Ransomware is a major concern, but it isn’t the only cyber risk your organisation will face this year. There is an expanding array of threats and vulnerabilities that has kept the cyber security industry on high alert this year. 

Attacks involving phishing, malware, mobile apps and smart devices are growing in sophistication, putting the intellectual property and personal data held by corporations, governments and individuals under constant risk. 

Despite valiant attempts by security vendors to develop better defences, cyber criminals are an inventive and resilient bunch. Hacking is here to stay; and as business models continue to go digital, things could potentially get worse. 

The Information Security Forum warned in its 2019 review of the cyber security landscape that globally, businesses face more disruption. That’s down to: 

  • The increased sophistication of cyber crime and ransomware 
  • The proliferation of smart devices, and vulnerabilities inherent in the Internet of Things (IoT)  
  • Supply chain risks; and 
  • The growing insider threat 

With the cost of cyber crime set to hit £4.75 trillion by 2021, here is a closer look at the most significant security threats for the rest of this year and beyond. 

The Cyber Security Threat Landscape Keeps Evolving
Read the full article on Defense Online
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