Demystifying Artificial Intelligence in Information Security

Artificial Intelligence (AI) inspires intrigue, fear and confusion in equal measures. For many people, the topic is shrouded in mystery, as visions of AI ushering in a brave new world clash with dystopian science fiction nightmares depicting human beings enslaved by super-intelligent machines. A dose of reality is required, especially regarding the impact of AI on business and information security. Neither wildest dreams nor worst nightmares are likely to come true any time soon; but AI already poses risks to information assets, as well as the potential to significantly improve cyber defences.
Whilst AI poses new information risks, it can also be used for good and should become a key part of every organisation’s defensive arsenal.
This briefing paper removes the confusion of AI. It introduces the topic, helping business and security leaders to:
- understand what AI is
- identify the information risks posed by AI, and how to mitigate them
- explore opportunities around using AI in defence

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