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Legal and Regulatory Implications for
Information Security:
People’s Republic of China

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People’s Republic of China

In 2016, the National Cyber Space Security Strategy was released. As part of this strategy, cyber security was declared as the nation’s ‘new territory for national sovereignty’ and will therefore receive considerable investment to make China a world leader in cyber security.

Several strategy tasks are outlined, which include safeguarding national security, protecting critical information infrastructure, fostering socialist core values online and strengthening international cooperation in cyber space.

ISF’s Legal and Regulatory Implications for Information Security will help you understand the key pieces of legislation that govern the protection of data in China.

  • How the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) will affect organisations operating in or with China.
  • How CII operators must follow data protection and security procedures.
  • The reporting requirements in case of a data breach or security incident and more.
Successfully navigate legislative developments
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