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Threat Horizon 2022: Digital and physical worlds collide

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The digital and physical worlds are on an irreversible collision course. By 2022, organisations will be plunged into crisis as ruthless attackers exploit weaknesses in immature technologies and take advantage of an unprepared workforce. At the same time, natural forces will ravage infrastructure.

Organisations will be unable to disentangle the digital from physical and will be forced to respond to a growing blend of threats from new technologies, people and nature. Whilst the prospects of commercial success will be enticing, this hybrid world will bring with it increasing dangers that have devastating consequences for businesses, employees and consumers alike. When digital and physical worlds collide, only organisations that take decisive action will prosper.

Threat Horizon 2022 presents nine potential threats across three themes driven by global events and major developments. The executive summary is written for business leaders and offers a concise overview of the report findings.

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