Threat Horizon 2025: Scenarios for an uncertain future

Evolving to better reflect the needs of ISF Members, Threat Horizon 2025 takes a scenario-based approach to identifying and preparing for various security threats that could emerge by 2025.
The report is designed for security and business-focussed audiences to explore future trends and developments, driving strategic conversations and proactive risk management.
Split into three key themes that will affect every geography and industry, each scenario represents a unique set of threats and impacts, but also opportunities for organisations:

The Future of Work:
Location and technology collide
What risks will changes in working life and culture expose your organisation to?

The Future of Data: Regulation plays catch-up with value
How will you protect and manage the confidentiality, availability and quality of data?

The Future of International Relations: Ideologies clash in the hyperconnected world
What impact will the nature and stability of international relationships have on your organisation?
Are you struggling to put security into context?
Organisations who engage senior audiences to identify, review and prioritise cyber threats are better able to protect themselves when attacks occur.
If you would like a customised, prioritised list of the key threats to your organisation, as well as high-level recommendations to plan for and mitigate these threats, get in touch.